



Human Metapneumovirus: What is it? What You Should Know About the Virus that Slipped through Everyone’s Notice

Discover the elusive Human Metapneumovirus: Learn about this unnoticed respiratory virus and stay informed about its risks and symptoms.

Everyone was focused on diseases like flu and RSV during the winter months However, Americans may have missed a vital pathogen called Human metapneumovirus, also known as hMPV.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention this week announced an increase in the number of cases of hMPV across the country during the season of winter and spring experts believe this could be due to an increase in people’s capacity to detect different viruses.

Dr. Rick Malley, an infectious disease expert at Boston Children’s Hospital, stated that “there is a much greater focus on identifying the cause of (infections) than we’ve ever had.”

He attributes that focus to the COVID-19 epidemic.

I think that you’re hearing more about this particular virus because the importance of other viruses and the diseases they cause have diminished, the speaker continued.

This article will provide all the information you need regarding the virus-causing respiratory illness that was through the air this year with regard to symptoms and transmission and treatment.

What is Human Metapneumovirus, also known as hMPV?

Human metapneumovirus, also known as hMPV, is an infection that is affecting those with the respiratory and respiratory tract in the words of the CDC. While it can affect anyone of all ages, the agency declares that young children, elderly adults, and those with weak immune systems are more at risk.

According to the CDC, HMPV is a member of the Pneumoviridae family, which also includes breathing syncytial viruses, and was first discovered in 2001.

Human Metapneumovirus is just the Result of a Cold? What are the Symptoms of hMPV?

The American Lung Association states that mild symptoms resembling a cold are the norm for people with hMPV. For healthy people, symptoms typically last two to five days and disappear on their own.

The CDC suggests that the most common symptoms are:

  • Cough
  • Fever
  • Nasal congestion
  • Breathlessness

Young children, elderly adults, and those who have weak immune systems are at a higher risk of getting more severe illnesses and can suffer from asthmatic wheezing, breathing difficulties, and the occurrence of asthma-related flare-ups.

The American Lung Association reported that secondary illnesses, such as bronchiolitis, bronchitis, and pneumonia, can also be present and may require medical attention.

Read, FDA Approves Paxlovid for High-Risk Adult Covid Treatment

What is the Human Metapneumovirus Spread?

As with other respiratory viruses, hMPV is typically spread from person to person via:

  • Contact with an infected person
  • Coughing
  • Sneezing
  • In the event of touching objects, you’ll get the virus

The CDC states that this virus is most likely to spread in the winter and spring, just like RSV, the flu RSV and cold-related viruses.

Do you require Antibiotics to Treat Human Metapneumovirus?

There is no treatment for antiviral for hMPV or a vaccine to stop the infection according to the CDC.

Because symptoms of hMPV typically resolve without treatment, however, they are not a cause for concern. American Lung Association says treatment generally consists of medications available over-the-counter to manage fever, pain, and congestion.

Medical attention is recommended for patients who experience more severe symptoms, such as wheezing. A doctor can prescribe an inhaler for a short period and steroids as per the American Lung Association.

Malley explained that antibiotics are used to treat infections caused by bacteria, but not viral ones. However, HMPV is associated with an increased risk of developing pneumonia caused by bacterial bacteria, which doctors typically treat with antibiotics.

“This virus may be a very important co-conspirator in causing pneumonia, particularly pneumococcal pneumonia,” the physician stated. “Just because a person has a virus doesn’t necessarily mean that there isn’t a bacterium nearby.”

Read, AstraZeneca’s COVID Antibody Protects Immune-Compromised

Motorola Unveils Vertical-Extending Rollable Smartphone

Discover the Latest Innovation of Motorola – a Rollable Smartphone with a vertically extending screen. Experience the future of mobile technology.

Key Points

  • The mobile phone on display at the Mobile World Congress in Barcelona has a five-inch flexible collection that can extend to 6.5 inches by pushing upward.
  • The phone is still in the concept phase. You won’t be able to buy it anytime soon.
  • This design is at least innovative in a market where it has been challenging to find new features that would excite consumers.

Motorola has unveiled a concept phone that unfolds as the user slides it upward.

The mobile phone on display at the Mobile World Congress in Barcelona has a five-inch flexible collection that can be extended to 6.5 inches by pushing upward.

Also Read, ABI Research: 220M NLC Units to Illuminate Smart Buildings by 2030

It is designed to be compact and easy to carry in your pocket, allowing you to multitask while improving productivity.

The phone won’t be available anytime soon. It’s still in the concept phase, so it’s impossible to know how much it will be.

Statista data shows that Motorola will only ship 51 million units by 2021.

This design is at least innovative in a market where it has been challenging to find new features that would excite consumers.

Also Read, Over 2M Websites at Risk: New Cyber Threat in Popular WordPress Plugin

New form factors such as folding displays are hoped to help change this.

Ben Wood, CCS Insight’s chief analyst, said: “It shows the rapid innovation in flexible display technology, with many concept products that experiment with a variety of forms.”

The device comes at a difficult time for smartphone manufacturers.

Sales in the mobile industry declined 11.3% last year as consumers tightened up their budgets. This trend has continued as people hold onto their phones longer, as major phone manufacturers’ upgrades are only incremental.

Lenovo, Motorola’s parent company, unveiled this week a rollable computer at its conference. The laptop, like the phone rises slowly vertically to allow you to see more web pages or multiple apps on one screen.

FDA Approves Paxlovid for High-Risk Adult Covid Treatment

The FDA first released Paxlovid available under an emergency authorization for use. The new ruling means that numerous studies prove that the drug is safe and effective.

Paxlovid, an antiviral drug made by Pfizer’s Covid, received full approval from the Food and Drug Administration on Thursday for use in people who are at high risk of developing a severe case of the virus.

Medical guidelines recommend Paxlovid for the treatment of moderate to mild Covid in adults over 50 years old and those with specific medical conditions that increase their risk of hospitalization or death from Covid.

This includes those with heart disease, diabetes, or cancer, as well as a flawed immune system.

Up to 75% of adults in the United States are at very high risk of developing severe COVID.

The FDA first released Paxlovid available in December 2021, under emergency use approval for people at high risk aged 12 and over. Following the results of an early clinical trial, the FDA swiftly approved the treatment with this designation.

The FDA’s recent decision means there’s now ample research evidence that suggests Paxlovid is safe and effective.

The treatment comprises two medicines: Nirmatrelvir, which blocks an important enzyme required by the Covid virus for reproduction, and ritonavir, which enhances the first medication’s capacity to fight off the disease.

Both Pfizer as well as the FDA consider the treatment an important tool in addition in conjunction with vaccination. It can help those at-risk Americans to manage their Covid illnesses and eventually save lives.

According to January estimates from FDA researchers, Paxlovid may “lead to 1,500 lives saved and 13,000 hospitalizations averted each week” in the United States using Covid rates.

It’s not clear what the future developments will be like later this year.

The U.S. has 1.1 million doses of the treatment everyone for free. When the government exhausts that, it will move Paxlovid’s distribution into the market for commercial use.

This implies that Pfizer will offer Paxlovid straight to healthcare professionals at a cost the company hasn’t yet disclosed. The current price for a course of Paxlovid is around $530.

Pfizer has seen Paxlovid sales increase to almost $19 billion by 2022. However, it expects sales of the medicine to decline by 58% by 2023

In March an advisory panel composed of independent experts of the FDA suggested the treatment in light of three of Pfizer’s clinical studies.

One study investigated the risk of high-risk individuals who had not received vaccination and had no prior Covid infection.

The study found that Paxlovid decreased the chance of hospitalization or death by:

  • 86% among patients who were treated in the first five days following initial symptoms.
  • 89% of patients were treated within 3 days, as per an FDA examination of data from the company.

There were no significant safety issues discovered in the study, as per the review. However, the agency did flag 137 medicines that could result in serious adverse reactions if combined with Paxlovid.

The FDA stated that the most commonly used medications that caused safety concerns included:

  1. Immunosuppressants, which are frequently employed to treat HIV.
  2. Immunosuppressants used in patients undergoing organ transplants.

The Office for Surveillance and Epidemiology of the FDA reported 271 cases of serious adverse events that interactions between drugs and Paxlovid could cause. This included six deaths and 147 hospitalizations at the end of January.

Altering the dosage of specific drugs and increasing the monitoring of patients. Making sure that labeling on products provides patients and their prescribers with information about possible interactions between drugs.

Some doctors have another aspect of concern: “rebound cases” of Paxlovid. That’s when patients who receive the medication notice that their Covid symptoms recur or they test positive shortly after their initial recovery.

The reports of these cases came in the days following Paxlovid first came on the market.

President Joe Biden and Dr. Anthony Fauci, his former chief medical advisor, both appeared to be able to recover from Covid after consuming the antiviral drink, but they later tested positive again.

The FDA review of Pfizer’s clinical trials found that the overall rate of comeback varied between 10 and 16 percent. Those who took Paxlovid compared to those who received a placebo observed no evidence of a higher rate of symptom rebound or moderate symptom rebound.

As per an FDA review, the results were valid regardless of the risks of getting sick. It was also valid regardless of whether the Omicron variant or a prior variant of the virus was dominant.

Exploring ChatGPT in Legal Practice

The legal field is constantly evolving, and with the advent of advanced technologies, new opportunities arise for improving various aspects of legal practice.

One such technology that has gained significant attention is ChatGPT, an AI-powered language model developed by OpenAI. In this article, we will delve into the applications of ChatGPT in legal profession, exploring its potential benefits and challenges.


As technology continues to reshape industries, the legal field is not exempt from its influence. ChatGPT, powered by the GPT-3.5 architecture, is an advanced language model that utilizes artificial intelligence to generate human-like text based on input prompts.

With its ability to understand and generate coherent responses, ChatGPT has shown promise in various applications, including legal practice.

What is ChatGPT?

ChatGPT is an AI-powered language model that leverages deep learning techniques to process and generate text based on user prompts.

It has been trained on a vast amount of diverse data, enabling it to understand and respond to a wide range of queries and prompts. This technology is designed to simulate human-like conversations, making it a valuable tool in the legal field.

The Role of ChatGPT in Legal Practice

Enhancing Legal Research

Legal research forms the foundation of any legal case or argument. With ChatGPT, legal professionals can benefit from its vast knowledge base and ability to analyze complex legal concepts. By inputting specific legal queries or topics, ChatGPT can provide relevant information, case precedents, and legal interpretations, saving valuable time and effort.

Improving Document Review and Analysis

In legal practice, reviewing and analyzing large volumes of documents can be a time-consuming and labor-intensive task. ChatGPT can assist in automating this process by quickly analyzing documents, identifying relevant sections, and extracting key information. This not only increases efficiency but also reduces the likelihood of missing critical details.

Assisting in Legal Writing and Drafting

Crafting legal documents requires precision and clarity. ChatGPT can help legal professionals in drafting contracts, briefs, and other legal documents by providing suggested language, formatting options, and even offering alternative clauses. I

t can serve as a virtual writing assistant, streamlining the writing process and improving the overall quality of legal documentation.

Top Benefits of Using ChatGPT in Legal Field

1 – Time and Cost Efficiency (continued)

The speed at which ChatGPT can process and generate text allows legal professionals to accomplish tasks more efficiently. Research that would typically require hours or even days can now be completed in a fraction of the time. This efficiency translates into cost savings, as legal practitioners can allocate their time and resources more effectively.

2 – Increased Accuracy and Quality of Work

ChatGPT’s ability to analyze vast amounts of legal information and provide relevant insights can enhance the accuracy and quality of legal work.

By leveraging the model’s knowledge base, legal professionals can access up-to-date legal precedents, case studies, and legislative information. This comprehensive understanding aids in making well-informed decisions and crafting stronger legal arguments.

3 – 24/7 Availability

Unlike human counterparts, ChatGPT is available 24/7, providing immediate access to legal information and support. This round-the-clock availability ensures that legal professionals can obtain assistance and insights whenever they need them, regardless of time constraints or urgent deadlines.

This accessibility can significantly improve productivity and responsiveness within the legal practice.

Also Read, ChatGPT Alternatives

Potential Challenges and Limitations of ChatGPT in Legal Practice

While ChatGPT offers numerous advantages, it is essential to be aware of the potential challenges and limitations associated with its use in the legal field.

Ethical Considerations

As an AI language model, ChatGPT operates based on the data it has been trained on. Legal professionals must be cautious when utilizing the model to ensure compliance with ethical guidelines, data privacy regulations, and client confidentiality. It is crucial to handle sensitive information responsibly and implement necessary safeguards to protect privacy and maintain ethical standards.

Lack of Contextual Understanding

ChatGPT lacks the ability to fully comprehend contextual nuances, which can lead to potential misinterpretations or incomplete responses.

Legal practitioners should exercise caution and apply critical thinking when relying on ChatGPT’s outputs. Human review and supervision remain essential to verify the accuracy and relevance of the information provided by the model.

Potential Bias and Inaccuracy

AI models like ChatGPT are trained on large datasets that may contain biases inherent in the data sources. Legal professionals should be mindful of this potential bias and actively seek to identify and rectify any discriminatory or inaccurate outputs.

Regular model monitoring, bias detection, and bias mitigation techniques are crucial to ensure fairness and accuracy in legal applications.

Best Practices for Utilizing ChatGPT for Legal Field

To maximize the benefits of ChatGPT in legal practice while mitigating potential challenges, several best practices should be followed:

Ensuring Data Security and Confidentiality

Legal professionals must prioritize data security and confidentiality when using ChatGPT. Implementing robust data protection measures, secure communication channels, and encryption techniques can safeguard sensitive legal information.

Adhering to legal and industry standards regarding data privacy is crucial to maintain client trust and confidentiality.

Conducting Regular Human Supervision and Review

Human supervision and review are essential to ensure the accuracy and quality of outputs generated by ChatGPT. Legal practitioners should carefully analyze and verify the information provided by the model, considering its context and relevance.

Incorporating human expertise and judgment in the decision-making process helps mitigate potential errors or misinterpretations.

Training and Fine-Tuning the Model for Legal Specifics

ChatGPT’s general-purpose training may not account for all legal nuances. Fine-tuning the model specifically for legal applications can improve its understanding of legal concepts, terminology, and context. Training the model on legal datasets, including case law, legislation, and legal precedents, can enhance its accuracy and make it more suitable for legal practice.

Case Studies: Real-World Applications of ChatGPT in Legal Practice

To demonstrate the practicality of ChatGPT in legal field, let’s explore a few case studies showcasing its real-world applications:

Automated Legal Research

A law firm specializing in intellectual property cases used ChatGPT to streamline its legal research process. By inputting specific case details and legal queries, ChatGPT quickly generated relevant case precedents, statutes, and legal interpretations.

This significantly reduced the time spent on research, allowing the firm to provide more comprehensive legal advice to clients.

Contract Review and Analysis

A corporate legal department integrated ChatGPT into their contract review workflow. The model analyzed contracts, identified potential risks, and suggested modifications based on predefined legal criteria. This accelerated the review process, ensuring contracts adhered to legal standards and minimizing the chances of oversight or errors.

Legal Writing Assistance

A solo practitioner utilized ChatGPT as a writing assistant for drafting legal documents. By providing prompts and desired document formats, the model generated suggested language, helped with citation formatting, and offered alternative clauses. This collaboration between the practitioner and ChatGPT improved the quality and efficiency of legal writing.

These case studies illustrate how ChatGPT can be seamlessly integrated into legal workflows, enhancing productivity, accuracy, and client service.

The Future of ChatGPT in Legal Field

As AI technology continues to advance, the future of ChatGPT in legal field holds immense potential. Ongoing research and development aim to address the limitations and challenges associated with the model, focusing on improving contextual understanding, reducing biases, and enhancing the model’s legal-specific knowledge.

With advancements in machine learning and natural language processing, we can expect even more sophisticated versions of ChatGPT tailored for legal practice. These future iterations may incorporate domain-specific training, allowing the model to comprehend legal intricacies and nuances more effectively.


ChatGPT offers significant opportunities for transforming legal practice. From enhancing legal research and improving document review to assisting in legal writing and drafting,

ChatGPT has the potential to revolutionize the way legal professionals work. However, it is crucial to remain mindful of the ethical considerations, contextual limitations, and potential biases associated with its use.

By following best practices, including regular human supervision, data security measures, and fine-tuning for legal specifics, legal practitioners can harness the power of ChatGPT while mitigating potential challenges. As AI technology continues to evolve, the ChatGPT in Legal field is poised to play an increasingly valuable role.

ABI Research: 220M NLC Units to Illuminate Smart Buildings by 2030

Network Lighting Control (NLC) predicts to play an important role in the design of smart buildings. This is particularly relevant when stakeholders, such as energy companies, building owners, and regulators, aim to enhance building performance. Additionally, it holds significance in improving the overall appeal of buildings, making it an important consideration for these stakeholders.

According to a report from ABI Research, the deployment of connected equipment in smart buildings is expected to reach nearly 20 million by the year 2030. This represents a Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) of 22.6 percent, highlighting the significant growth potential in this sector.

NLC allows for intelligent control and control of lighting systems in buildings and provides additional benefits when paired with LED light.

Integrating lighting control and sensors to monitor light levels and occupancy levels increases the efficiency of energy. This integration also brings advantages in terms of occupant comfort and safety. Additionally, it enables efficient use of space and enhances the overall aesthetics of the building.

The growing use of wireless connectivity also facilitates the acceptance of NLC in buildings of all sizes and shapes.

Jonathan Collins, Research Director for Smart Homes and Buildings at ABI Research, emphasizes the importance of smart lighting to be a first purchase in the smart building market noting its widespread use for commercial buildings.

With a range of dynamic offerings and simplified installation and maintenance processes, NLC is expanding the capabilities of smart buildings. Collins adds, “This expansion goes beyond large-scale or high-profile projects, making NLC accessible to a wider range of building types and sizes.”

Different market players, such as established lighting companies like Signify as well as Acuity Brands — as additionally NLC providers such as Casambi, Enlighted, INGY, Silvair, and Wirepas and Wirepas — are harnessing wireless technology to accelerate the use of NLC in construction and retrofitting projects.

The installation, configuration, and reconfiguration of NLC systems are now performed by engineers using smartphones. This eliminates the need for dedicated network cabling and complicated topologies traditionally associated with such installations.

However, there is a problem with the NLC market. It is currently a split landscape that includes multiple methods and ecosystems of vendors. The fragmented nature of the market poses challenges in terms of standardization and compatibility among different NLC systems and providers.

Despite the ongoing efforts to build unifying ecosystems for NLC clients, they still face the challenge. This challenge involves evaluating various techniques, methods, and solutions to determine the most suitable options.

Their objective is to determine the optimal solution that meets their current and future smart building needs. This process involves carefully assessing and comparing different options to make an informed decision.

This study (paywall) from ABI Research provides valuable insights into the NLC market and outlines the new opportunities for intelligent lighting for buildings.

Hunt-Penta JV Begins $600M Las Vegas Convention Center Upgrade

In the wake of business travel taking off following the pandemic, Las Vegas wants to cement its position as a top trade show location.

A partnership between the Las Vegas-based general contractor Penta Building Group and the Indianapolis-based construction management business Hunt Construction Group, which control by the international contractor AECOM formed. The $600 million update to the Las Vegas Convention Center’s original property has just started construction.

The construction will continue until 2025. There will be a planning of construction to allow for minimal disruption during an event. More than 600 tradespeople expect to be part of the construction project. When completed, more than 15,000 sq. ft. of event and meeting space will be available in this new venue. This information has stated in the release.

The project will expand the 1.4 million square feet West Hall, which opened in 2021. The project teams will construct an outdoor plaza and an indoor lobby in the South Hall. This will allow direct access to the new function space. Additionally, there will be a second-floor boardroom and an extensive lobby connecting the North and Central halls.

Outside, the renovation plans include a brand-new parking lot. Additionally, a Vegas Loop station will establish to transport guests between the Wynn and Encore hotels, as stated in the press release.

Las Vegas’s Vegas Loop is about 2 miles long, with five stops along the center of conventions. However, The Boring Co. is an American tunnel and infrastructure company owned by billionaire Elon Musk. The company has recently announced plans to construct 65 miles of tunnels with 69 stations. These plans come after Clark County, Nevada, commissioners accepted the most recent expansion.

The year before, Las Vegas hosted nearly 5 million visitors to conventions. The cost of their visit directly generated an estimated 38,000 new employment opportunities. It also resulted in $2.1 million in wage income. Furthermore, according to a Las Vegas Convention and Visitors Authority report on the economic effects of the Southern Nevada tourist industry, it contributed $7.5 billion to the economy of the city.

The project was initially put to go into motion in the year 2016 but was subsequently halted due to an outbreak of COVID-19. The general fund of the LVCVA bonds is backed by the general revenue of the LVCVA. It is the 0.5 percent room tax. The proceeds of sales of the 10 acres Riviera parcel will use to fund the project, as per the press release.

Over 2M Websites at Risk: New Cyber Threat in Popular WordPress Plugin

“According to the latest event, researchers have discovered that certain cyber attacks can exploit the latest version of WordPress. Authorities have asked users of the Advanced Custom Fields plugin for WordPress to update. They urged to make the update to version 6.1.6 of WordPress.”

WordPress, a widely used CMS is a free and open-source CMS written in hypertext preprocessor language and coupled with a MySQL or MariaDB database. WordPress, which powers 43% of the web, updates itself yearly as a content management system (CMS).

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According to the latest event, researchers have discovered that certain cyber attacks can exploit the latest version of WordPress. Authorities have asked users of the Advanced Custom Fields plugin for WordPress to update. They urged to make the update to version 6.1.6 of WordPress.

The vulnerability, known as CVE-2023-30777, represents a case of reflected cross-site scripting (XSS). Malicious actors can exploit this vulnerability to inject absurd executable scripts into otherwise benign websites.

Users have installed the Advanced Custom Fields plugin, available in both pro and free versions, more than two million times. Security researchers discovered and reported the vulnerability to the WordPress team on May 2, 2023.

Patchstack researcher Rafie Muhammad said, “This vulnerability allows any unauthenticated user to steal sensitive information. In this case, the vulnerability enables privilege escalation on the WordPress site by tricking a privileged user into visiting the crafted URL path.”

Users can experience reflected XSS cyber attacks when they unknowingly click on a fake link sent through email or other means, such as messages. This action allows malicious code to infiltrate the vulnerable website, which then reflects the attack back to the user’s browser.

Imperva, a cyber security leader notes, “[A reflected XSS attack] is typically a result of incoming requests not being sufficiently sanitized, which allows for the manipulation of a web application’s functions and the activation of malicious scripts,”

It is worth noting that the vulnerability CVE-2023-30777 can start on the configuration of Advanced Custom Fields or on a default installation. However, only logged-in accounts with plugin access can perform this task.

US Manufacturing Sector Drops for 6th Month in a Row – April Report

“US Manufacturing Sector fell to a three-year low in April, as new orders increased slightly and employment recovered, The Institute for Supply Management, Arizona, USA, said on Monday that its manufacturing PMI reading was 47.1 in April which was 46.3 in March, though it was the lowest reading since May 2020. 

US Manufacturing Sector fell to a three-year low in April, as new orders increased slightly and employment recovered, but activity remained weak during higher borrowing costs and rigid credit, raising the risk of a recession in 2023.

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The Institute for Supply Management, Arizona, USA, said on Monday that its manufacturing PMI reading was 47.1 in April which was 46.3 in March, though it was the lowest reading since May 2020. Reuters polled economists, who predicted the index would rise to 46.8.

The Federal Reserve’s fastest interest rate hike campaign since the 1980s is weighing on the sector, which accounts for 11.3% of the economy.

The PMI stayed below the 50-point threshold for the sixth straight month, showing manufacturing contraction. 

Following the recent financial market turmoil, banks have tightened lending. Additionally, spending has shifted away from goods, typically purchased on credit, and towards services.

Businesses are reducing restocking in preparation for lower demand later this year. According to government data released last week, private inventory investment dropped in the first quarter. This decline marks the first time since the third quarter of 2021. Corporate spending on equipment fell for the second quarter in a row. This decline played a role in limiting economic growth to 1.1% last quarter.

Despite easing inflation, underlying pressures on prices persist at levels that are not in line with the Fed’s 2% target. One major contributor to this is the tightness in the labor market.

The index of factory employment in the survey rose to 50.2 the previous month from 46.9 in March. Manufacturing payrolls have essentially stalled in the government’s closely monitored employment report, posting modest decreases in February and March.

Torpago Launches ‘Powered By’ Program to Empower Financial Institutions

“Torpago, a California-based business credit card and expense management platform provider, has unveiled a private-label credit card program named Powered By empowering credit unions and community banks to launch their custom, branded, end-to-end corporate credit card product.”

Credit cards have been a successful financial instrument for financial institutions worldwide. There are multiple players in the business of credit cards offering economic benefits whether you use them nationwide or globally.

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Seeking a vast opportunity in this niche, Torpago, a California-based business credit card and expense management platform provider, has unveiled a private-label credit card program named Powered By empowering credit unions and community banks to launch their custom, branded, end-to-end corporate credit card product.

Brent Jackson, Founder and CEO of Torpago said, “We are constantly listening to our customers and quickly recognized that this was a huge need in the banking industry. The core of everything we do is identifying big problems and creating smart solutions. We initially built Torpago for two purposes. First, we designed it to address the widespread lack of modern accounting solutions for medium and small businesses. Second, it aimed to tackle the absence of efficient expense management solutions for the same businesses. Launching Powered By was the next evolution in doing what we do best.”

Torpago has brought its program to solve the challenges credit unions and local banks often face with current third-party cards. It achieves this by offering three key features. The first feature is customer service support. The second feature is a modern platform that follows the card. The third feature is visibility into the organization’s spending data.

We have efficiently designed the program for two purposes. First, it aims to aid local banks and credit unions. Second, it helps them in keeping their business customers served as their operations grow.

Powered By seeks to level the playing field in the banking industry by enabling community banks and credit unions to provide innovative options to customers, including small businesses and enterprise-level corporations.

It also reaches small businesses and customers of banks in more traditional industries, which FinTech firms frequently overlook.

Benefits of Asset Management and Maintenance for Construction Business

In the construction business, every company, be it large or small, depends on tools, trucks, equipment, and other assets. Managing such huge logistics for large construction projects might be difficult.

Practicing a good asset management and maintenance system will help run the business easily and effectively. In this blog, you will come to know various aspects of asset management that will surely help you elevate your construction business.

What does Asset Management do for Construction Businesses?

Asset management helps in collecting, supervising, monitoring, and tracking an organization’s assets. A successful asset management system always enhances the capability of a firm’s utilization of resources, loss and theft, supply levels, waste, equipment upkeep, and last but not least, expenses.

The concept of asset management has been around since the beginning of construction businesses, and since then it has powered companies with important applications. When a construction company successfully executes it, asset management solves huge concerns plaguing a firm, allowing it to grow more effectively.

Asset management and maintenance are two key parts of an effective business management strategy. Unfortunately, it’s often ignored as a mundane job that’s not very exciting. However, experts say companies should not perceive this way as asset management critically helps every business in making it profitable and also provides value to both the company and its stakeholders.

Asset management and maintenance is one such department that involves people from all divisions and business areas, from COOs and department heads to auditors, engineers, and even IT experts and equipment operators.

What is an Asset Manager?

An asset manager is an individual who is responsible for managing a specific group of assets. The job responsibility of the asset manager includes money saving through asset tracking and bringing more efficiency in reducing waste.

The manager also has to develop and perform an asset management strategy, ultimately managing the asset handed over to him. Traditionally, construction companies preferred having third-party asset managers who act as fiduciaries.

However, there has been a slow and steady development toward in-house management of assets with the help of those outsourcing asset management companies.

Asset managers employ analysts and researchers for tracking the performance of assets, give solid investment advice, and taking care of other tasks that could impact the performance of the assets. Particularly, asset managers help in finding high-growth investment opportunities before anyone else. 

Asset managers are only persons who have to know the working process of various departments, finance, administration, operations, and capital, and have a complete understanding of the shareholders of a business.

How do Asset Managers Perform their Duty?

Asset managers take the help of asset management software. It is a tool that helps companies make their revenue-driven assets more usable. Particularly those assets are important to the daily operations of any business.

Asset management software provides a detailed perspective of the lifespan of an asset, from acquisition to deployment to maintenance and disposal of those assets. Tracking the progress of assets using a basic spreadsheet. Evaluating data related to each asset with assets management software, which allows users to make more informed decisions about asset management.

Moving ahead from managers and the software, it’s time to underline the impacts of assets management on a construction firm-

Budget Tracking and Forecasting Accuracy

Every new machine comes in an outstanding and solid shape that performs smoothly. But with time, the machines will get older, and hence their performance will be challenged.

Thus, the idea of efficiency that applies to every machinery changes over time, yet adequately-maintained pieces of machinery operate virtually as well as new machinery pieces that require far less maintenance.

Some construction firms remain in doubt when they buy a certain piece of machinery, much alone when it got its last service. However, regular maintenance performance can make companies able to have an accurate record of completed repairs.

With such information, you will have ample time in hand to replace your equipment. Also, a current asset fetched with real-time information can be accessed by asset managers and other concerned persons company-wide.

Increased Operational Efficiency

Operational efficiency is a critical part of the construction as only site workers (managers, operators, and others) remain responsible on a building site. If they are duly concerned, the ROI for every move your company takes provides higher profit.

Fortunately bolstering construction maintenance operations are the right fit for such places. Since machinery preventive maintenance checks for deterioration and damage, asset management practices maintain all of the parts in an efficient way.

Managing Safety Hazards and Risks

Consistent maintenance and inspection of assets. Offering more safety surrounding a building site by avoiding several potentially harmful situations.

One such example of a harmful situation is a breakdown of a machinery piece in an emergency. The overuse of machinery makes it overheated and finally leads to its collapse. However, with regular maintenance, you would prevent it since you know where and when problems will occur in the machinery.

Asset management helps in reducing these situations and thus becomes an essential tool for cost-saving. Following the practices of asset management can help you manage safety hazards and risks as well as complete your assignment on time.

Warranty Coverage Remains Intact

When heavy machinery contains larger parts, regular maintenance becomes necessary as warranties typically replace only those parts which have undergone consistent maintenance. Regularly maintaining the condition of your heavy machinery. Ensuring the availability of the warranty when required.

It helps in keeping warranty coverage intact and companies get insurance for replacing components and other equipment concerns. This way you can remain assured that not only your equipment is well maintained, but also you are eligible for cashing your insurance.


Asset management involves various aspects of a construction business, be it an asset manager, asset management software or increased operational efficiency, or managing safety hazards and risks, it does everything effectively. If you follow in-house assets management, your business will surely excel.

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Top 10 Tips for Successful Construction Planning and Scheduling

Building any project Plan is a long and difficult endeavor, especially if you are doing it yourself. Take a look at the ten steps below to help you streamline the process.

Every construction manager/contractor starts a construction project with the intention of finishing it successfully. However, several factors lead to projects going unfinished. So, how do you achieve effective construction management? Experts recommend working smarter, not harder, to make sure that every aspect of your construction project, from planning to control, goes smoothly! 

According to the Construction Management Association of America, project managers in this industry frequently handle over a hundred responsibilities at the same time. As a result, these professionals should strengthen their strategic thinking skills in order to avoid schedule disruptions.

Strategies to Complete a Construction Project

But what kinds of challenges become impediments for a construction project manager? According to a McKinsey survey published in 2016, larger projects frequently take 20% longer than expected. This publication also claimed that such projects go over budget, leaving project managers financially paralyzed. 

Contractors, on the other hand, must exercise caution and diligence in order to avoid these issues. We’ll show you how to make any construction project a success by implementing the strategies listed below. Just make sure you’ve planned for every possible mishap in order to complete the project successfully. So here we go: 

Hire Consultants

First, we recommend that contractors and owners of construction companies hire consultants to ensure that the project is completed on time and without incident.

From litigation to personnel, these competent professionals can help builders overcome any common construction challenge. So, which service should managers use to complete a project on time and within budget? They should contact HSE’s best construction consulting services, which have offices in numerous cities.

These consultants provide 3D BIM Modeling Services, Construction Estimating Services, Risk Analysis, and other services. These services are designed to help your project succeed and finish on time.

Create A Team

You can’t complete a project unless you put together the right team! Project managers should match people’s characteristics to the skills needed for the project. They should clarify what is required of each team member whilst explaining their individual responsibilities.

Managers have to guide their subordinates and provide input as project leaders to ensure everyone’s profitability. That is why we expect managers to have unbreakable leadership skills in order to face any challenge.

Protect Employees

It is estimated that nearly 150,000 on-site accidents occur in construction each year, resulting in thousands of workplace injuries. As a result, don’t overlook your employees’ safety.

Workplace deaths and injuries not only cause delays but can also lead to lawsuits against contractors. As a result, every project manager’s top priority should be the well-being of the workforce, while also refraining from taking any risky shortcuts.

Ask Questions

Project managers must remember to ask pertinent questions and keep anything from halting the on-site workflow. As a result, we recommend that they improve their observation skills in order to successfully manage the project.

They should visit the site on a regular basis and communicate with contractors and designers to ensure they understand all aspects of the project. Managers must become acquainted with everyone’s responsibilities, as the construction industry is constantly innovating. 

Plan Continuously

We recommend that project managers begin planning months before the project begins. However, for revisions and modifications, this planning ought to go on until the project is completed.

Some projects, for example, face environmental challenges that necessitate rapid design changes. Due to unforeseen equipment delays and failures, managers may also collaborate with stakeholders to develop construction strategies. That is why constantly changing plans are now a reality. 

Time Management

Our expectation is, for project managers to manage their time wisely by prioritizing the most important activities over the less important ones. As a result, they should not be preoccupied with problems that do not require immediate resolution.

Managers, for example, are not required to respond to every email or phone call that comes in. As a result, we recommend assigning these secondary responsibilities to subordinates. Managers must receive regular input from their employees in order to ensure productivity.

Budgeting Properly

According to some studies, nearly 70% of construction projects go over budget. It has also been discovered that nationwide construction projects are 16% over budget.

As a result, we recommend that project managers right away involve a 20% emergency in their budgets to account for any unexpected expenses. It can serve as a safeguard for both contractors and stakeholders, protecting them from unforeseen events.

Document Effectively

Managers must remember to streamline documentation efforts in order to make information more easily accessible to people. That is why we advocate for going paperless and accepting digitization so that people can stay informed in real-time.

Furthermore, managers must remain vigilant in the event that the project exceeds its budget or is constantly delayed. As a result, suitable records must be ready to be seen by stakeholders when unexpected situations arise. That is how you can avoid conflict.

Use Automation

Why don’t project managers use technology to improve communication? Every day, they must respond to several emails, return numerous phone calls, and answer a slew of project-related questions.

They can effectively reduce correspondence through the use of an automated reporting system. This system ensures that reports get to the right person while you concentrate on more important tasks. These systems can also help mitigate workplace hazards while monitoring the progress of the project. 

Reviewing Activities

Prudence does not allow a project manager to ignore what is going on on-site. We anticipate that an astute manager will continue to monitor construction activities in order to detect a problem before it becomes an issue in the end!

Furthermore, construction business owners should not delegate all responsibilities to contractors. Negligent owners may ignore conflicts that develop into serious claims without proper management.

As a result, while project managers are still in charge of resolving workplace conflicts, business owners ought to carry out sovereign reviews to identify conflicts. It also assists them in dealing with issues that may have arisen as a result of the project manager’s negligence.

Also Read, The Pros and Cons of Renewable Term Life Insurance

The Pros and Cons of Renewable Term Life Insurance

You must evaluate the pros and cons of every kind of life insurance you are considering when deciding the best life insurance for your needs. Each will have benefits and drawbacks that will affect your family’s current and future finances, so you must step ahead by analyzing your coverage options from all angles.

You may have come across renewable-term life insurance while looking for life insurance. Unlike traditional term life insurance, which requires you to commit to a multi-year coverage term, Renewable Term Life Insurance typically has a shorter term — sometimes as little as one year — and the option to renew your policy for the same amount of coverage at the end of each term without having to apply for a new policy.

To summarise, there are advantages and disadvantages to this type of coverage, particularly when compared with conventional term life insurance. We break down the pros and cons of this type of life insurance below to help you decide if it can offer the best stability for your family.

What is Renewable Term Life Insurance?

Renewable term life insurance, like all term life insurance, provides coverage for a set period based on the policy’s term. Unlike other kinds of term life insurance, it comprises a renewable term clause that ascertains you can renew the policy for another term if you so willing to, without having to reapply or endure a medical exam. Depending on the insurer and the policy, the coverage term can be as short as a year or as long as 30 years.

Since renewable term life insurance is only valid for a set time, the initial premiums are typically lower than for whole life insurance policies. (This is a type of permanent life insurance that is intended to last your entire life.)

Your renewable term premiums, on the other hand, will rise with each renewal based on your age, gender, health, and other factors, and can eventually cost more than a permanent policy, contingent upon how much your premiums rise and how many times you renew. 

Pros of Renewable Term Life Insurance

There are a few potential pros of renewable-term life insurance:

You can get Extended Coverage without Additional Medical Exams

A medical exam is usually required for assessing whether you’re eligible for life insurance and the amount of monthly premiums you’ll pay. However, with a renewable term policy, you can renew it without a medical exam, though some insurers may require you to fill out a medical questionnaire.

Flexible Term Lengths

Another benefit is the flexibility that this sort of policy offers, especially if you want a shorter term than, say, Haven Life’s minimum 10-year policy.

Who wants a shorter term? Perhaps you are young and unsure of what the future holds. You want coverage but aren’t sure what your situation will be in a few years — perhaps you’ll have children and a mortgage, or perhaps you’ll be a digital nomad traveling the world. (Hey, anything is possible.)

You may also be between jobs and seeking an alternative to the group life insurance provided by your previous employer. (However, keep in mind that group life insurance is insufficient for many people.) A renewable life-term policy is apt for such short-term scenarios.

Cons of Renewable Term Life Insurance

When it comes to insurance commitments, as with other commitments (work, romance), a short-term, vide-strings-attached fling can be ideal. But sometimes… it’s not.

The following are some drawbacks of renewable life insurance:

It Can Cost More

The most significant disadvantage of renewable term life insurance is that your premiums may change each time you renew. Sure, going year to year gives you more flexibility, but when you renew your term, you’ll be older (definitely) and possibly in poorer condition, which is why your premiums will rise.

Your premiums for a term life insurance policy with a longer term, such as 10, 20, or 30 years, remain fixed throughout the term. Level premiums are what they’re called.

If you’re in a life stage where you’ve just gotten a new 15-year mortgage, or if you’ve recently married and had children, and you know you’ll need the financial protection of life insurance in the long run, getting a 15, 20, or even 30-year term makes more sense because you’ll pay the same rate — likely a lower rate — for the duration of your term.

Life Happens

At last renewable life insurance may appear more flexible — after all, it is low-commitment — but it could end up being more costly overall.

Again, consider life insurance to be a type of relationship. If you get it when you’re young and healthy, you can get life insurance at cheaper rates than you would later in life. This means you can get sufficient insurance to provide for your loved ones as your family grows and your needs change (many people get 5 to 10 times their annual salary).

Perhaps you are moving into a new home. Perhaps you’ve chosen to have another child. Rather than continually altering your policy over time, getting adequate coverage from the start for multiple years can be an affordable means to make sure that even if things change, there is a safety net in the form of long-term life insurance.

It can be a Difficulty

We’re all swamped with work. Do you really want to assess whether your newer, likely higher premiums, are a good value?

Buying term life insurance is often a one-time thing. The first thing you need is to get it and then take care of other related things that would be clamoring for your time and energy every day.

Life-term insurance is certainly a big help to individuals especially who are salaried persons or elderly people. There could be more pros and cons that you must hunt down before considering it. But, we have tried to get at least a basic knowledge of buying life term insurance, so that when you are going to buy it, you’re confident enough to talk to the company’s executives.

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