WhatsApp is right now working on some new features like enabling the users to use the same account on different devices. One of the most remarkable feature that will help the users who are annoyed with group notifications are, “The ability to automatically mute large group chats to help reduce notifications has been released to some beta testers, and it is rolling out to more users over the coming days,”
Muting Feature for Large Groups
According to Tech Times, ”
WhatsApp to Release an Auto-Mute Feature for Groups With Over 256 Members, Along With Other Updates
By Trisha Kae Andrada, Tech Times Nov 13, 2022 10:58 AM EST
WhatsApp is continuously releasing new features via its beta version. Some of the most recent include the ability to automatically mute groups with a high number of members, message themselves and modify messages that have been sent out.
Automatic Muting Feature for Large Groups
WhatsApp Groups have been around for a long time, and it’s reasonable to assume that they can be both useful and irritating.
A user may now add more than hundreds of people to a WhatsApp group. However, one may get overwhelmed with group notifications, which may appear bad on their phone’s lock screen.”
News 18 said, “WhatsApp started Groups many years, and it is fair to say that the groups can be helpful and annoying at the same time. WhatsApp now lets you add more than 256 members to a group, with their consent of course. But that means you can be bombarded with hundreds of group notifications, which can a sore sight on your phone’s lockscreen.
So, people tend to mute groups to avoid such incidents, but WhatsApp is now bringing a feature that will automatically mute groups that have more than 256 members. The messaging app is now capable of having 1024 members in one group, and the Meta-owned platform clearly realises the importance of user’s having their privacy.”
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