



Linton Crystal will Manufacture Solar Panel Equipment in USA


“Linton will produce solar silicon manufacturing equipment in the USA, and is looking forward to establishing a factory in America in Q2 2023.”

Linton Crystal Technologies, a NY-based manufacturing company has been doing wonders in manufacturing for years. The company launched as wire saw manufacturer Hamco in 1952 in Rochester. With a series of acquisitions, Linton became Kayex, a manufacturer of CZ crystal pullers. 

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Since 2013 Linton has been the sole owner of Kayex Technology. Linton also continues to bring revolutionary machine designs to the world. It holds multiple patents, with others under the application.

In an announcement, the company said it will produce solar silicon manufacturing equipment in the USA. It is looking forward to establishing a factory in America in Q2 2023.

Linton Crystal Technologies manufactures crystal-processing equipment and silicon-growing and has earlier worked with Dalian Linton NC Machine Co. Ltd. in China to manufacture its equipment.

Todd Barnum, president and CEO of Linton Crystal Technologies, said, “We’ve been working on this plan for a while now and are looking forward to reshoring manufacturing to the United States. As a U.S. company with Chinese ownership, Linton Technologies Group, the geopolitical issues have been difficult to navigate. Our company used to manufacture in Rochester and we’re eager to get back to the United States.”

Linton Crystal Technologies will bring a manufacturing center to build and show the full-line equipment.

This comprises Czochralski (CZ) furnaces for monocrystalline silicon ingots, both solar grade and semiconductor, and the machines for manufacturing & producing solar wafers and ingots, including polishing equipment and wire saws. 

Linton will be the first company to bring back this technology to the USA. The initial investment of $10 million of Linton will be utilized to add a new facility, establish a demonstration line, and make 1 to 2 GW of production capacity. This will help in growing the company’s workforce.