



How to improve the insurance customer Experience

Improving your policyholder’s experience should be a top priority. Here is way to build a better customer experience using the power of Salesforce technology, whether you’re a carrier, agency, or brokerage:

Simplify the Experience

Providing a fully self-service online quoting-to-bind process, such as with the Salesforce Vlocity solution, helps boost conversions especially for straightforward personal lines offerings. Even if you are not able to fully rate and bind a policy with straight-through processing, consider giving customers a way to initiate the quote or get an estimate online.

Personalize the Experience

Policyholders want to do business with an insurer that just gets them. No one likes filling out repetitive insurance forms, so don’t make your customers do it. You’d think that if it was that easy, everyone would do it. But the reality is, showing what you know about the customer and building a personalized experience can put you ahead of the competition. Make sure your systems are integrated with one another, don’t ask for information you already have, and pre-fill forms for your policyholders whenever possible. Salesforce can help you gather customer preferences to personalize engagement across all your channels.

Invest in your Employee Experience

Your employees are an essential part of your customer experience.

Many insurance service scenarios are emotionally charged and some customers are more comfortable talking with a soothing voice. Even with significant investments in straight-through processing, robotic process automation, and underwriting algorithms, many of your mid- and back-office functions depend on satisfied employees who can do their jobs efficiently.

The CX advantage for insurance

Using data to create personalized experiences, embedding AI throughout the customer journey, introducing intelligent workflows, and meeting customers at the right time on the right channels with a personalized message or content allows insurance companies to move beyond a transactional relationship with their policyholders.